Wellness Services
At Alpha Wound Care, we believe a healthy, balanced life is a fulfilling one. Our basic wellness and specialty services provide timely diagnostic information, treatment, and care. We support your healthcare needs from regular check-ups and health screenings to lab and drug testing, vaccinations, and more. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start living your best life.
Basic Wellness Services
School physicals
Sports physicals
Pre-Employment physicals
TB screenings
TB skin test
Quantiferon Gold TB test
Prescription fee for chest xray
Labs & Drug Testing
Drug testing
STD panel
Female panel
Male panel
Complete Titers (MMR, Hep B, Varicella)
Individual Titer: MMR, Hep B, Varicella
*** CBC, BMP, Pre-Albumin, Albumin, HGB A1C, PT/INR, Glucose Testing
What We Offer
Hep B
Field Print
Livescan Fingerprinting
Background Checks
I-9 verifications